Saturday, December 6, 2014



In this unit I learnt a lot about the leaners’ characteristics which are motivation that is what help us to encourage learning, learning style that are the different ways in which learners catch the knowledge, learning strategies which are the approaches that learners use to consolidate knowledge  and maturity which involves how the learners change physically, mentally and emotionally.
In addition, we analyzed the different learning styles and look at the most common ones that are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Also that there are different learning strategies which help students identify they needs and how to cope with them. Furthermore, I understood that maturity influences in learning and that children, teenagers and adults have different needs.
Also, here we knew that it is important for the teacher to know his or her own learning styles, past learning experiences and learning strategies to know how to change and vary the strategies used with learners.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Criss!
    Your reflection shows a good understanding on this topic about learners´characteristics. I have watched the video you shared and I think it is very interesting and useful for clarify my ideas about this topic.Thanks for sharing
